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Topic: setting LSLacquisition as Source
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Joined: Jun 26, 2023
Posts: 2

PostPosted: Mar 14, 2024 2:08 PM    Post subject: setting LSLacquisition as Source

Hi there

I know that it is possible to manually edit the input in the 'source.bpd' design in the libs folder to be an LSL source.

however, is it possible for a new release of BioEra to make LSLacquisition one of the options in the device selection dropdown menu?

I have a Mitsar amplifier that is no longer compatible with BioEra , but I am trying to use it both with the example designs and with MBTT.

If anyone has any insight into how to make this work, let me know. Or else, if there is a reason for why it can't be implemented in a future version.


Joined: Oct 19, 2021
Posts: 81

PostPosted: Mar 19, 2024 8:23 PM    Post subject:

I worked with someone a while back that used the lsl acquisition They conected the amplifier to open vibe and used OpenVibe's lsl sever function. that way they could connect a non supported amp to BioEra You would need to check to see if your amp is compatible with OpeVibe

Two other folks had someone write an lsl front end for them
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